Van invaliditeit naar vitaliteit door voeding

From disability to vitality through nutrition

, by TheLifestyleDocs Admin, 5 min reading time

The turnaround

The turnaround came in December 2020. “I got linseed at the G & W Health Shop and saw the book The SSD Plan there. I immediately started reading at home and it fascinated me right away. The clear explanation, the substantiation with research, the delicious recipes and Lifestyle Doc's founder Annemarie's own story and experience. I found it remarkable that someone like her, who has led a sedentary life in a wheelchair for so many decades, can remain so healthy, vital and disease-free and does not take any medication at all. That inspired me. And because I knew that I would soon see the rheumatologist again, I really had to make a decision: which way should I take? Will I take my health into my own hands? Do I dare to do that alone? When do I start? During my daily walk I made the decision. On January 3, 2021, I started 100% with a lifestyle trajectory at The Lifestyle Docs and their eating method The SSD Plan.”

Directing back

Mattie's courageous decision turned out to be the right one for her. “I had a purpose in my life again and I finally had the feeling that I had control over my own body and health again. I went looking for products from the book that I didn't know yet, such as quinoa, chia seed, hemp seed, and experimented with all kinds of new recipes, such as buckwheat bread. My whole life has revolved around nutrition. Reading, cooking, running errands. I was running out of time. It felt like an exciting journey, like an adventure.”


Mattie was amazed at what her new way of eating did to her health almost immediately. “After about 6 weeks I noticed that I hadn't had a bladder infection for all that time, that was about every 6 weeks. I also no longer had nosebleeds at night, which normally happened several times a week. The pain in my hands became less and I could use them a little more. Every now and then I went over the limit of my abilities. I had to watch out for that. For example, cutting vegetables or peeling and chopping garlic was very tiring. My fingers couldn't hold small things and my hands weren't stable or would shake if I did too much. Then everything fell to the ground.”

“After just three months my blood count was better and I could get rid of the prednisolone.”

No reaction

Mattie persevered and with results. After three months, Mattie saw her rheumatologist again. “She found that my blood count was better and that I could get rid of the Prednisolone. Even my hemoglobin was good after years. I told her enthusiastically that I started eating plant-based according to The SSD Plan, but there was no real response. She found it very special that nutrition has such an incredibly positive effect on my health, but she didn't ask any questions about it. That surprised me. Not long after that I also stopped taking the other medication. At first because it had run out and my rheumatologist was on vacation. But it felt good, I simply didn't need the medication at all anymore.”


Through all her years of experience with general practitioners and specialists, Mattie has become quite disappointed in healthcare. “The arrogance is appalling. Several times I asked my doctor if nutrition could influence my health and my complaints, and then there was only a bit of laughter. When I recently brought a copy of The SSD Plan and The Lifestyle Docs magazine, assuming that people might find this interesting to help other rheumatic patients, there was no response at all. I never heard anything about it again.”


In the meantime, Mattie continues to be healthy, vital and medication-free and even walked the four-day. “I never imagined I would go from literal “disability” to so much “vitality”, all in less than a year. I now love to inspire and motivate others. Like my neighbor who has lost no less than 50 kg due to SSD power supply. I am so impressed with what a plant-based diet can do. I think almost every day: if other people with the same complaints, who are also under rheumatism medication, only knew how simple and close to the solution actually is…”

Mattie's tips

  1. Do it together - Do you also want to tackle your health problems or illness with plant-based food? Find someone who would like to do that too. That enthuses and motivates. You need support. I usually did it alone and that was sometimes quite difficult.
  2. Try it for 3 months - Give yourself that chance and if it doesn't work after three months, you can always quit. But as soon as medication decreases you are doing well. That gives you so much power.
  3. Go for it 100% - If you want an effect in a short time, go for the full 100%. Make a good appointment with yourself and stick to it. You can exert an incredible amount of influence on your own health through nutrition. That's great. My daughter is doing it now and she enjoys it a lot too.
  4. Think of all the positive “side effects”. Plant-based food does more! - It not only helps with rheumatism but also works against other inflammations in your body, ensures a healthy weight, a clear head, a good night's sleep, emotional balance, a good mood and beautiful skin!

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