Success Stories
Inspiring stories from patients and other satisfied people who opted for the formula of The Lifestyle Docs Clinics.
Mattie Lageveen (75) battled crippling pain for years, but everything changed when she started eating plant-based!
Mattie's health problems started in the spring of 1998. After some flu and a cold, she suddenly couldn't walk anymore within a week. Acute muscular rheumatism (PMR), as it turned out. This was accompanied by severe stiffness and pains. A doctor at the hospital told her to keep in mind that this could be the road to rheumatism, a wheelchair and the nursing home. Mattie: "I thought: never! That's when my fight against illness began."
Mattie's tips
Patient experiences after participating in one of our programs.
How eating differently changed my life Overweight, intestinal problems, pre-diabetes, low energy, badly healing wounds on his legs and feet. Bon vivant, hobby confectioner and...
"My doctor's mouth fell open." Less energy, 'weird spots' under her feet, poor reading ability, and tired, dry eyes. These were all complaints that led...
Tiredness, headaches and inflammation in his body. The Antillean Sherman Felomina (59) was struggling with more and more health problems and could only sleep. When...