It used to be nonsense to claim that you could reduce plaque in the arterial walls. However, recent studies show that the silting up (or: calcification) of the vessel walls is a reversible process.
For example, Harvard University showed that almost 80% of heart patients on the waiting list for heart surgery could be removed from the surgery list. Thanks to a healthy diet, they no longer needed surgery.
The Harvard study also found that the patients who followed a special diet were 10 times less likely to have a heart attack than the patients who followed the usual treatment.
Such studies are important because they show that “chronic illnesses” can indeed be reversible. It is essential that the changes in the diet are bold enough.
We offer state-of-the-art nutritional medicine for cardiovascular disease. It is a diet that allows our patients to lose a spectacular amount of weight, reduce the vascular plaque, eliminate the need for insulin injections in a few weeks if they have diabetes and have permanent, completely normal blood sugar levels.
This (tasty) diet can – unlike many other diets – be followed for life. It is also the optimal diet for healthy ageing. Scientific research shows that it extends life even in healthy organisms.
For questions or to make an appointment, you can contact us directly by telephone, e-mail or whatsapp.